Ensar Cutahija

Iman Ayoubi was recommended to me by a good friend, when I was in need for a graphic design for the original translation of the book I was working on for four years.

This work meant a lot to me and not surprisingly, I wanted it to be as good looking as possible, along with the significant content presented.

What caught my attention was Iman's care for details and devoted personal and particular approach to my translation. Everything was telling me she was a true professional and the right person for the job. I was so happy and ultimately satisfied. Honestly, the final outcome was better than I expected. I am very grateful and I would  like to recommend Iman Ayoubi and her service to anyone who may need it.

Iman Ayoubi

Iman Ayoubi creates for and writes about first-generation creatives and how they can go the distance and bridge the gap from hobby to successful lifestyle business owner.


Tariffe Attar